Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Role Of The First Lady From Nothing Essay - 1617 Words

Arielle Cohen Mr. Clark US History I 28 September 2015 Martha Washington, Abigail Adams, and Dolley Madison invented and created the role of the first lady from nothing. They were able to put content into a role that did not even exist beforehand. when there was no one that came before to teach them. Known as the first three first ladies, Martha Washington, Abigail Adams, and Dolley Madison defined the role of the first lady to society before anyone else had the chance to. By handled hostess duties, a position in politics, and a X public image, they set the example for the many future first ladies to come. George Washington became the first President of the United States when he was unanimously elected in 1788 (â€Å"Miller†). Martha Washington, his wife, then became the first lady, the first of many to come. After President Washington’s inauguration, in the middle of May 1789, Washington picked up her belongings and moved to New York City, the temporary capital of the time, with two of her grandchildren in tow (â€Å"Martha†). Moving from Mt. Vernon, Washington soon realized that her new life would be much different than the life she was used to (â€Å"Martha†). When she arrived, she was immediately required to perform a multitude of duties, such as to supervise the and take care of matters in Mt. Vernon from the capital (â€Å"Martha†). Differing not only in her duties, but also in her social life, Washington was also required to dress formally, entertain guests, and visit other politicalShow MoreRelatedCharacters In Macbeth1057 Words   |  5 P agesFirst produced in 1606 and first published in 1623, Shakespeare’s Macbeth play is an English, drama-based play centered on tragedy in the eleventh century. 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